You Secured a Cleaner and More Connected Future!

Members, supporters and Boulder County voters: Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back! Your “YES” vote for ballot initiative 1C on Election Day Nov. 8 helped pass the Boulder County County Issue 1C (the Transportation Sales and Use Tax Extension and Revenue Change). 

Your relentless commitment to clean air for Colorado, plus your hard work and advocacy for sustainable transportation, created an environment of awareness around the importance of passing 1C for the future of multimodal transportation in Boulder County.

Recap Multimodal Transportation Funding

For over 20 years, multimodal transportation in Boulder County was funded with a 0.1% countywide transportation sales tax. The existing measure equated to just 1 cent on a $10 purchase, but without community support of 1C by voting for continuation of the small sales tax, multimodal transportation funding would have stopped by mid-2024. 1C asked voters to continue the funding but without raising taxes. 

What Your YES Vote Accomplished

And so you did! By passing 1C, you secured the funding necessary for multiple regional projects to go forward. Your “YES” vote provided a future for:

  • Transit Service and Programs
    • Fixed route and on-demand transit services from Boulder to Lyons, Gold Hill, Fort Collins, and throughout Boulder County. 
  • Regional Trails and Commuter Bikeways
    • Recreational trails connecting Longmont, Boulder, Superior, Louisville, Erie, Lyons and Nederland; bikeways along major corridors; multiuse paths connecting neighborhoods.
  • Regional Corridors 
    • Multimodal travel improvements connecting communities, including transit, bike and pedestrian facilities and safety.
  • Roadway Safety and Resilience
    • Road shoulders, flood resilience and creek restoration, intersection safety, mountain road repair.
  • Community Mobility Programs
    • Services for vulnerable and underserved populations of all ages and abilities, including education and support programs.

Additional Benefits of 1C 

These projects will create a safe, sustainable, equitable, affordable transportation network connecting communities throughout the county, and they will also reduce overall emissions and improve air quality. 

Additionally, most transportation grants require local agencies to provide a funding match from local sources. This continued funding will be used by Boulder County to pursue a wide range of regional, state and federal money.

Future Transportation Projects Map

The Boulder County government website has a map of the countywide proposed Transportation Sales Tax projects for 2034-2039, the years provided for by the passage of Ballot Initiative 1C. Explore the map with a PDF here.

Again, a heartfelt “thank you” from us at Commuting Solutions for your hard work to pass Ballot Initiative 1C. You helped secure the future of multimodal transportation for Boulder County and the people of Colorado by expanding and improving mobility and connectivity through multiple alternative transportation modes. Well done! 

More about the transportation sales tax is on the Boulder County government website.

Also, be up-to-speed on the latest transportation and environmental policy developments ahead in the Colorado Legislature’s 2023 session when you attend our 14th Annual Legislative Breakfast on January 5.

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