What Brings Us Joy this Holiday Season

What Brings Us Joy this Holiday Season: Commuting Solutions Staff Share Holiday Cheer

Winter is a magical season in Colorado. Local streets and neighborhoods are filled with festive lights and decorations celebrating the holiday season. People pull out their heavy winter parkas, scarves and mittens to brave the sunny, winter chill. Ski racks are put back onto cars after a summer of sitting in the garage.

At Commuting Solutions, its no different. Our office has been decorated with lights, garland and ornaments to celebrate the season. We all have a reason to love the season and the magic it brings. Learn about why each member of the Commuting Solutions team loves the winter season and one of our proudest moments this year.

Audrey DeBarros, Executive Director

Audrey’s favorite part of the holiday season is all her family traditions that she shares with her husband and their two teenagers. They bake and decorate cookies, trim the tree and spend plenty of time in the mountain playing in the snow. The holiday season is all about spending time with her family and taking a well-deserved break from work.

Audrey’s favorite accomplishment for Commuting Solutions this year was the active and involved role that we served in the Proposition 110 campaign on the behalf the northwest metro region. From getting op-eds and Letters to the Editors in all the local papers to producing a series of videos about the local projects that would benefit from funding if the proposition passed, Audrey was one of the northwest region’s strongest advocates for the proposition.


Jade Krueger, Senior Outreach & Programs Specialist

Jade is Commuting Solutions’ resident adventurer and outdoor activity enthusiast. Her favorite thing about winter in Colorado? The SNOW! She loves getting to go out and play in the snow, whether she’s skiing down the slopes, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing or hanging out up in a mountain town. As a proud owner of an EPIC pass, she’s already been up the mountains to ski a handful of times and can’t wait to keep having a great ski season!

Jade’s favorite accomplishment at Commuting Solutions in 2018 was getting to create, organize and run innovative programs to increase mobility in our region. Along with Boulder County’s Mobility for All, Jade helped to pilot a program at the Aspinwall and Josephine Commons communities in Lafayette to provide free Lyft credits for residents to help increase their mobility and travel options. She has also been hard at work on several programs that will be launching in early 2019 so keep your eyes open!


Molly Lord, Marketing & Outreach Assistant

Molly’s favorite part of the holiday season is all of it! From picking out the tallest tree she can find to baking cookies and pastries, there’s no part of the season she doesn’t love. She loves spending time with her mom baking and watching classic Christmas movies like White Christmas.

Molly’s favorite accomplishment at Commuting Solutions this year was working alongside Audrey on the Proposition 110 campaign. Getting to be a part of a statewide campaign and learning what all goes into a political advocacy campaign was an amazing learning experience. She also loved getting to go out in the community and talk to voters about Proposition 110 and all the benefits it would bring to our region.

Rachel Setzke, Executive Assistant/Events

With the holiday season here, Rachel is looking forward to having her two kids out of school and at home for a few weeks. Her favorite part of the holiday break is spending time doing puzzles and baking with her husband and kids.

Rachel’s favorite accomplishment at Commuting Solutions was the planning and execution of the Sustainable Transportation Summit in May. Rachel was involved from start to finish: gathering presentation proposals, developing topics for each of the breakout sessions and getting to meet and network with the attendees and speakers. The Sustainable Transportation Summit was a huge success for Commuting Solutions and Rachel was a big part of that.



All of us at Commuting Solutions want to wish you a happy holiday season and a wonderful New Year. We are so excited to continue our impactful work in 2019 to bring our region the latest innovations in transportation and to advocate for our region’s transportation needs.

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