Boulder County recently released the US 287 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Stations Area Toolkit. The toolkit is part of the US 287 Bus Rapid Transit Feasibility Study and is designed to be a menu of aspirational options to help make the areas to and around the transit stops more inviting to people.
Tools range from intersection treatments, bicycling and walking needs, station elements, placemaking and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED).
The Northwest Area Mobility Study (NAMS) identified the US 287 corridor as a candidate to implement Bus Rapid Transit and found that US 287 had the highest projected ridership.
The toolkit was developed in conjunction with the US 287 Stakeholder Working Group and offers a set of treatments that can be applied at a variety of scales throughout Boulder County, from dense urban neighborhoods in Boulder to rural highway service along US 287. BRT stations may range from simple bus stops to full-size stations comparable to rail stations.
The toolkit is not intended to provide specific design guidance, but rather create a vision for what BRT stations in Boulder County could be. The intent is to complement local planning and design guidance and not replace it.
The toolkit is divided into four categories including:
- BRT Lane Configurations
- Mulitmodal Considerations
- Stations and Stops
- Urban Design
Application of station treatments, benefits, and relatives costs, and graphical illustrations are provided for the each of the tools. As stations are designed in Boulder County, this toolkit can be utilized with other local design guidance to identify treatments and amenities that will create great stations.
To review the toolkit, and learn more about the US 287 BRT Feasibility Study, visit Boulder County’s project webpage.