Thank you Workplace Ambassadors for participating in our September 21 meeting! Here are the meeting minutes.
For those of you that missed our meeting, here is the 2012 Proposed RTD Service Changes presentation Nataly Erving gave the group. Also, here is an extended version of the Tour of iCarpool presentation, which will take you step-by-step through the user registration and administration process. Finally, here is a list of New 2012 Commute Programs that Commuting Solutions will be initiating next year.
For those of you that have questions about vanpool, please contact Catherine Sanders. Nick Sands of VPSI, in photo on right, gave the Workplace Ambassadors a tour of a vanpool vehicle.
And, remember to apply for the Commuting Solutions Awesome Ambassador Award for a mini-grant to help you support commute options at your workplace!
The next meeting will be December 14, 2011. Add the December meeting to your calendar!