RTD Seeks Input on System Optimization Plan
As part of the on-going Reimagine RTD process, on January 10th RTD released a draft System Optimization Plan (SOP) for public review. The SOP provides a route-by-route guide for service growth between now and 2027.
RTD developed the draft SOP to:
- Reverse / mitigate trends of ridership loss
- Improve service performance / efficiency
- Ensure fiscal sustainability
- Address changing travel market demands
- Remain competitive
- Improve service quality
The Reimagine RTD team is working with the RTD Board of Directors to finalize the SOP in early 2022. RTD is planning to formally adopt the SOP in March of 2022, with the understanding that full implementation may not be possible until 2027 due to financial constraints and workforce limitations. Implementation of the SOP will be integrated into RTD’s existing service change process, which includes community notification, public hearings and board approval before being finalized.
To see how your trips may change and to let RTD know what you think, please access our online mapping tool online.
For more information about Reimagine RTD, visit the RTD website.
RTD Debuts Service Alert System
The Regional Transportation District (RTD) has debuted an enhanced Service Alerts system which will allow for signs up and notifications can now be sent by text message.
The new system offers more targeted notifications, including direction of travel and specific stops. Individuals can be notified by email, text message or both.
Customers will also be able to manage subscriptions to alerts and RTD newsletters.
To sign up, visit the Service Alerts webpage.