RTD Board Passes New Fare Structure

In response to feedback from customers that current RTD fares are expensive and difficult to understand, RTD launched a Systemwide Fare Study and Equity Analysis. From April 2022 to July 2023, the study examined the fare system holistically, with the objective of creating a fare structure that is more:

  • Equitable – supporting transit-reliant and financially burdened customers and providing fair access to fares, products and discounts regardless of race, color, national origin, income status or affiliation with other marginalized groups.
  • Affordable – aligning fares with the value of services received.
  • Simple – making fares easier to understand with standardized discounts and streamlined fare payment options.

After more than a year of engagement with customers and stakeholders, RTD recommended a new fare structure, changes to the existing discount and pass programs as well as the introduction of new programs. The recommended fare changes were passed by the RTD Board of Directors on July 25, 2023.

The Zero Fare for Youth pilot program begins September 1, 2023. All other changes will be implemented in early 2024.

Fare Structure

The new fare structure lowers fares for all customers and simplifies the fare structure by combining Local and Regional fares.

2023 Fare Structure
(Full Fare)

New Fare Structure Effective 2024
(Full Fare)

New Policies & Programs for Customers

Under the new fare structure, the following policies and programs lower costs for customers:

  • An increased discount for LiVE Income-Based Fare Discount Program customers
  • A further reduced Monthly Pass price for all customers enrolled in Discount programs
  • A single-price fare to anywhere in the system for all customers enrolled in Discount programs
  • Expanded access to LiVE through higher income limits and the removal of in-district address requirements
  • Fare-free transit for youth ages 19 and under through the Zero Fare for Youth pilot
  • Discounted transit for post-secondary students with a new SemesterPass

New Policies and Programs for Organizations and Employers.

Under the new fare structure, the following programs and passes expand transit access for organizations and employers:

  • A transit assistance grant program for nonprofit and community-serving organizations
  • New discounts on bulk purchases
  • Simplified Pass Program pricing

To find out more about the fare study and the new fare structure visit https://www.farefeedback.rtd-denver.com/

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