About RTD FasTracks

The RTD FasTracks project is the nation’s largest transit expansion project, promising to build and operate high-speed commuter and Bus Rapid Transit service while also expanding and improving bus service and Park-n-Rides throughout the Denver metro region.

History of FasTracks

FasTracks was voter approved in 2004 and includes the following commitments:

  • 122 miles of new light rail and commuter rail
  • 18 miles of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service
  • 57 new transit stations
  • 21,213 additional parking spaces at Park-n-Ride stations
  • Enhanced bus service and FastConnects throughout the region

However, due to unexpected funding issues and the recession in 2008, the Northwest Rail line, which would connect Denver to Longmont, has yet to be completed beyond the South Westminster Station. While there may not be funds to complete the entire commuter rail line until 2040, RTD along with regional partners has committed to exploring Peak Service for the rail line.

FasTracks Progress Map shows Under Construction, Completed, Pre-FasTracks, Future Construction, and Stations between Longmont and Lone Tree
FasTracks Progress Map (click to view full size)

2024 Northwest Rail Peak Service Feasibility Study

In 2022, the RTD Board of Directors authorized the Northwest Rail Peak Service Feasibility Study to respond to stakeholder input on how RTD might complete it’s 2004 Fastracks Plan by assessing an initial commuter rail service plan in the Northwest Corridor.

The Peak Service concept, as defined by stakeholders and the RTD Board, consists of three trains on weekday mornings from Longmont to Denver’s Union Station and three trains on weekday evenings from Denver’s Union Station to Longmont. 

The Northwest Rail Peak Service Feasibility Study aimed to identify corridor and regulatory challenges and constraints, infrastructure requirements, fleet (train vehicle) options, station site plans, platform configurations, concept designs, and the range of costs, benefits, and impacts of providing the service.  The project team defined a Common Set Of Facts, which describes the mutual understanding reached in the Study between RTD, BNSF, and local stakeholders on what it would take to implement the Peak Service plan. 

The final study report was published in September of 2024. To learn more about the results of the Study, including details about the Common Set of Facts, read the full summary report here.

Peak Service Study - Northwest Rail Map

Northwest Rail Line Video Flyover

Northwest Rail Study Overview

Quarterly Membership Meeting
October 23

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