CO Highway 119
CO Highway 119, locally known as the Diagonal, connects Boulder to Longmont and travels through Gunbarrel and Niwot. Currently there are 45,000 vehicles a day that travel along the corridor.
Home » Regional Planning » Northwest Area Mobility Study
The Northwest Area Mobility Study (NAMS) is a collaborative effort that addressed significant cost increases and delays associated with building and operating the 41-mile Northwest Rail commuter rail line from Longmont to Denver. The study concluded with elected officials, the Regional Transportation District (RTD), Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and 13 area jurisdictions and agencies reaching consensus on transit priorities in the region.
RTD is currently working on a number of BRT-related projects, including:
Commuting Solutions is working with local and regional partners to identify funding for these and other arterial BRT corridors. CO 119 and Highway 7 received TIP funding from DRCOG to proceed with the next level of environmental planning.
CO Highway 119, locally known as the Diagonal, connects Boulder to Longmont and travels through Gunbarrel and Niwot. Currently there are 45,000 vehicles a day that travel along the corridor.
The Cities of Lafayette and Louisville are working together to envision the future of State Highway 42 (also known as 95th Street, CO 42 or Courtesy Road) for people to walk, bike, ride transit or drive.
The Colorado State Highway 7 (CO 7) corridor between Brighton and Boulder is well positioned to develop as a corridor of local livability and multimodal regional access.
In March 2019, the Northwest Mayors & Commissioners Coalition released a letter reconfirming their commitment to Northwest Rail and Peak Service exploration.
Boulder County, in coordination with stakeholders, regional partners and members of the public, is starting a multi-phased re-envisioning process of US 287.
Click here to learn more about the CO 119 Bus Rapid Transit Wayfinding and Branding project and vote for your favorite design!
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