Keeping Regional Businesses and Governments in the Transportation Know

October 4, 2016

Keeping Regional Businesses and Governments in the Transportation Know
Commuting Solutions to host bi-monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, October 11

LOUISVILLE, Colo.—Commuting Solutions Membership Meetings provide a collaborative environment for regional businesses, governments and agencies to discuss and plan the future of the US 36 corridor.  Each meeting is dedicated to informing members on the latest transportation and economic development plans, and focuses on gaining their insight into key issues. These meetings assist in shaping Commuting Solutions’ advocacy efforts and help keep the Northwest region an attractive place to live and work.

Commuting Solutions is thrilled to announce that Superior Mayor Clint Folsom will speak at the upcoming meeting on behalf of the US 36 Mayors and Commissioners Coalition. If you’re interested in attending this meeting, contact

The meeting agenda includes:

US 36 Mayors & Commissioners Coalition Update – Mayor Clint Folsom, Town of Superior
An update on the political and public policy coalition building efforts underway for the Northwest region.

RoadX: Intelligent Mobility Xcelerator – Peter Kozinski, CDOT RoadX Program Director
RoadX is Colorado’s bold commitment to our customers to be a national leader in using innovative technology to improve our transportation system.

RTD’s Strategic Budget and Financial Plan – Heather Copp, RTD Chief Financial Officer
This segment will provide an update on RTD’s strategic budget and financial plan and the impacts to the Northwest region.

Transit Oriented Development Planning: Longmont 1st and Main Street Station – David Starnes, Longmont Redevelopment & Revitalization Manager
Longmont is investing in their community through the addition of a new transit facility. The City is currently exploring land use and transportation plans to maximize local investments. 

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