Go-Tober is Back!  Sustainable Commutes Reap Rewards in October  

Daytime temps are cooling (sort of), and there’s a hint of pumpkin spice in the air. This can only mean one thing in the Denver metro area:   it’s time for Go-Tober

The Way to Go annual program rewards local businesses for encouraging their employees to make eco-friendly commuting choices.  Each time an employee logs a sustainable commuting trip during the month of October, their company will climb the leaderboard. The top employer in each of the five leaderboard categories will earn paid media recognition after the competition ends.

2023 Brought Impressive Numbers

In 2023, the Go-Tober Challenge was a huge success, with 79 organizations and 886 participants competing. 206,417 miles were traveled by modes other than driving alone, saving a combined $112, 622 in commuting costs and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 74.1 tons!   Winners included Denver Water, PCL Construction, AE Design, Otak, and Regional Air Quality Council.

Sign up for Go-Tober Today!

Ready to see your company on the leaderboard?   Businesses can sign up using the registration form on the Way to Go website.  Once registered, you’ll receive a toolkit you can use to help promote the program and encourage your staff.  If you need help with any of these steps, please reach out to marisa@commutingsolutions.org.  

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Quarterly Membership Meeting
October 23

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