The conversation surrounding sustainable transportation funding has transcended beyond the walls of the Capitol. In the last days of the 2017 legislative session, the General Assembly passed Senate Bill 17-267 (SB17-267), commonly known as the Hospital Provider Fee bill. On May 30, Governor Hickenlooper signed SB17-267 into law.
Senate Bill 17-267 is a sweeping measure that focuses on three aspects of state government: health care, taxes, and transportation. SB 17-267 authorizes the execution of lease agreements on state facilities beginning in the fall of 2018-2019. Currently, it is anticipated that SB17-267 will generate about $1.8 billion for transportation funding. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will allocate these funds to projects across the state that are on the Tier One project list, with ten percent dedicated for transit projects. While many projects are being considered, Commuting Solutions does not anticipate that this funding will meet the needs of the northwest metro region today nor is it a reliable funding source for the future.
As stated by Tony Milo, executive director of Colorado Contractors Association “SB17-267 is a great down payment on a bigger problem.” Currently, sustainable transportation advocates are working together to ensure that a policy put in front of voters makes sense for the state of Colorado and addresses our multimodal transportation needs. While residents in the northwest metro region most likely will not see a ballot measure this November, there is a possibility for an initiated measure to be on the 2018 ballot.
Commuting Solutions would like to thank our legislators who tirelessly advocated for sustainable transportation funding for our region. Moving forward, we will be working closely with public and private sector stakeholders to continue to create solutions that increase commuter options and connectivity in the northwest metro region.