Message from Executive Director: Funding in Colorado Legislation

Audrey DeBarros HeadshotThe Colorado Transportation Commission, approved $238 million funding for critical transportation projects statewide, including more than $89 million for the Denver metro region.

Last month, Gov. Jared Polis signed Senate Bill 260 into law which is expected to raise about $5.4 billion over the next 10 years.

Commuting Solutions wants to extend a thank you to the Colorado Department of Transportation for awarding nearly $25 million to the I-25 and CO 7 mobility hub and for 95th Street/CO 42 multimodal intersection improvements, which are a part of the Northwest Area Mobility Study.

Another exciting element in transportation for our region that CDOT is involved with is reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions!

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) recently announced its new proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector, improve air quality, reduce smog and provide more travel options.

The standard would require CDOT and the state’s five Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to determine the total GHG emissions expected from future transportation projects and take steps to ensure that GHG emission levels do not exceed set GHG reduction amounts.

The proposed standard recognizes the projects we build have an impact on how people travel and will bring about a transportation system which will provide more choices for travelers!

CDOT presented during Commuting Solutions’ Membership Meeting on Aug. 17 and discussed the next steps. We’re appreciative of CDOT’s efforts to making the northwest metro region as sustainable as it can be!

These are great steps to improving future transportation in the region!

Audrey DeBarros, Commuting Solutions Executive Director

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