Friends of the US 36 Bikeway Hosts a Series of Fall Rides for US 36 Communities

LOUISVILLE, Colo.—Friends of the US 36 Bikeway, a new cycling program launched by Commuting Solutions, will host a series of rides for US 36 communities this fall. Rides will take place in each US 36 community and will focus on introducing cyclists of all abilities and ages to the new 18-mile US 36 Bikeway, which opened in full on March 1 of this year.

With these rides, Friends of the US 36 Bikeway hopes to further their mission of inspiring a cycling culture in the US 36 corridor and increasing the number of cyclists who use the new bike path. Commuting Solutions Executive Director Audrey DeBarros says, “The upcoming rides are one simple step we are taking to raise awareness about the US 36 Bikeway and to encourage US 36 residents to be champions for cycling.”

The upcoming rides will be led by volunteers who are engrained in their communities and are passionate about sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for cycling with others. Businesses and even governments have come forward to help lead rides for their communities. Broomfield City Council Member Stan Jezierski says, “The US 36 Bikeway provides an easy and safe way to bike from Broomfield to all US 36 communities, and Broomfield City Council Member Sharon Tessier and I are thrilled to be able to lead our residents on a ride along this amazing bicycling highway.”

Rides are currently scheduled to take place in:

  • Broomfield on Saturday, September 3 at 9 a.m.
  • Louisville/Superior on Saturday, September 10 at 8:30 a.m.
  • Louisville/Lafayette on Monday, September 12 at 6 p.m.
  • Boulder on Saturday, September 17 at 9 a.m.

*A date for the Westminster ride will be announced in September

Route details and information on the Friends of the US 36 Bikeway program can be found at

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