U.S. 36 commuters, lunch is on us at the year-end Workplace Ambassador Network meeting on December 14, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM at the Butterfly Pavilion, 6252 West 104th Avenue, Westminster.
The meeting agenda will include a chance to:
- Get in the know, and learn about corridor construction projects starting in 2012, including the U.S. 36 Express Lanes project.
- Start a telework program at your workplace with tips from the experts at Swanson Rink.
- Learn about a few Commuting Solutions products you may not know about!
- Receive a special thank you from Commuting Solutions for your hard work promoting sustainable commuting at your office.
Space is limited, so please RSVP to Catherine at catherine@commutingsolutions.org by December 9 if you will attend! Add the meeting to your calendar.