Commuting Solutions Continues the Fight for Transportation Funding

Colorado State Capitol

When the legislative session began, Commuting Solutions gathered with local stakeholders to prioritize finding a stable, sustainable and new funding stream for transportation throughout the northwest metro region and beyond. To be one of the most innovative corridors in the state and continue the vital work of connecting our communities, all eyes were on the legislator and elected officials to find common ground.

Finding a sustainable transportation funding source is not only critical to our work, but to communities throughout the state. To keep up with our growing population and deteriorating infrastructure, local governments need citizens help to support infrastructure financially. Commuting Solutions supported House Bill 17-1242, which received bi-partisan support and proposed allowing voters to approve a sales tax increase that would provide billions in transportation funding. Unfortunately, House Bill 17-1242 died in the Senate Finance Committee. Despite HB17-1242 dying in the senate, the legislative session ended with a couple positive outcomes.

The broad, public and private sector statewide support behind HB17-1242 from local elected officials, businesses and a diverse range of advocacy and environmental groups highlighted the importance of continuing the conversation of multi-modal transportation funding. At Commuting Solutions, we are excited to see the conversation continuing beyond the legislative sessions and the growing bi-partisan, public and private sector support underway to fund multi-modal transportation.

The legislator did pass Senate Bill 267 during the legislative session. This bill will provide about one billion dollars* for transportation. 25 percent of the funding is to be used for projects in rural communities and just 10 percent for transit. Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) has confirmed that many of the projects selected will from the tier one development plan and project list. Currently, CDOT is working with planning partners and local governments to see how much projects from this list will costs and which projects they will be moving forward with.

So, what can you do to see transportation investments being made in your community in the future? Andy Karsian, state legislative liaison for Colorado Department of Transportation recommends staying engaged in the conversation and taking advantage of resources available to deepen your knowledge of transportation issues in your community and beyond.  A diverse group representing the private sector and advocacy groups is deliberating continuing the progress for a potential ballot issue so please stay engaged as that conversation evolves.

Commuting Solutions is committed to continuing the dialogue and advocating for the multi-modal transportation needs of the northwest metro region. Stay engaged with our efforts by keeping an eye on our social media and website.

*CDOT estimates that roughly five to six billion dollars is needed to complete projects on their top priority list.

Commuting Solutions would to thank Andy Karsian, state legislative liaison for Colorado Department of Transportation for sharing information about the Legislative Session and the next steps for CDOT.

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