CDOT’S Express Lanes That Offer HOV Will Soon Allow Motorcycles to Travel Without a Pass

Motorcyclists No Longer Need a Pass for Free Travel on I-25 and US 36 Express Lanes

DENVER – The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) announced that starting Saturday, Oct. 15, motorcyclists will no longer need an ExpressToll account and pass to use CDOT’s HOV Express Lanes for free. Motorcyclists will still need to have an ExpressToll account and pass to avoid higher license plate toll charges when using the Express Lanes where HOV is not currently offered, such as the I-70 Mountain Express Lane, or on the Northwest Parkway and E-470.

“Motorcyclists have been tireless advocates for this change, and I’m pleased that we were able to work together with CDOT and HPTE to make it easier for them to ride for free in the CDOT HOV Express Lanes,” Sen. Nancy Todd said.

Until these changes are in effect on Oct. 15, motorcyclists will still need an ExpressToll account and pass to use the I-25 and US 36 Express Lanes free of charge.

“Motorcyclists will be able to ride for free on CDOT’s HOV Express Lanes,” said HPTE Director David Spector. “CDOT and HPTE responded to feedback from the motorcycle community and eliminated the sticker passes for motorcyclists, which makes their use of the lanes easier,” said HPTE Director David Spector.

This new way to ride for motorcycles, in addition to upcoming changes that will make the Switchable HOV Transponder free for those who only use the lanes for carpooling, can help ease the transition from HOV 2 to 3, which begins Jan. 1, 2017.  HOV 3+ means that a driver would need at least two passengers, along with a Switchable HOV transponder to use the Express Lanes on I-25 and US 36 free of charge.

Express Lanes, which are being built throughout the state, help relieve congestion without the need for a lot of infrastructure (new or widened highways) and provide funding to offset transportation costs. HOV 3 ensures that Express Lanes remain free-flowing now and into the future, so that those who choose to ride the bus, pay a toll or carpool always have a reliable and faster trip. In addition, getting more people into carpools with HOV 3 reduces overall congestion and vehicle emissions – a good thing for a state with a growing population.

About Express Lanes: Express Lanes increase roadway capacity and help to manage congestion on the highways. The use of toll pricing during peak travel times reduces delays, manages congestion and maintains reliable travel times. Express Lanes are currently open on I-25 between downtown Denver and 120th Avenue, US 36 between Denver and Boulder, and on I-70 between Idaho Springs and Empire. For more information, visit

For more information about CDOT, visit For toll questions, or to manage or close your ExpressToll account, please call the ExpressToll Service Center at 303-537-3470.

About the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE): The HPTE operates as a government-owned, independent business within CDOT. It searches out innovative ways to finance projects to help Colorado fulfill its commitment to increase travel choices through options that include Express Lanes, transit, biking, walking and carpooling. For more information, visit


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