2016 Will Be Another Big Year for Commuting Solutions

January 26, 2016

The Commuting Solutions board of directors recently approved its 2016 Action Plan to define the primary focus areas to achieve our mission for the next year.

Highlights of our priorities include:

Audrey DeBarros
Commuting Solutions Executive Director Audrey DeBarros

Advancing the US 36 Multi-Modal System: While we’ve accomplished a great deal through the soon-to-be completed US 36 Express Lanes Project and launching the Flatiron Flyer service, further improvements to our transportation systems are needed. This is just the beginning.  Implementing recommendations from the US 36 First and Final Mile Study, providing constant vigilance to monitor and improve the Flatiron Flyer service, furthering progress for the North I-25 Bus on Shoulder Feasibility Study, and implementing recommendations from the Northwest Area Mobility Study are a few of our most pressing concerns.

Funding: To provide a consistent level of service for the corridor and to maximize the use of the new infrastructure, we are exploring the formation of metro districts surrounding each of the six RTD stations.  Funding would be used to construct and operate recommendations from the US 36 First and Final Mile Study and support ongoing funding for Commuting Solutions.

Programs and Services: We are excited to offer incentives to try commuting via carpool, transit and vanpool through the final year of our congestion mitigation programs for the US 36 Express Lanes Project.  As we look ahead, we are planning how to manage demand in the corridor once the construction project is complete.

Organizational Leadership: This year, we are strengthening our board leadership by activating the Executive Committee, enhancing the four board committees through increased board engagement and adding a new US 36 Multi-Modal Systems Committee.

We look forward to partnering with you as we embark on this exciting year ahead.

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