
Help us plan the future of transportation in the Northwest region! Commuting Solutions invites businesses, public organizations, local governments and individuals to join in our efforts to plan and transform the future of the Northwest Metro region from US 36 to CO 119.

Commuting Solutions is eager to welcome new members into our growing community! Membership benefits include advocacy, benefiting your organization, for multimodal transportation improvements and sustainable options that reduce the impacts of climate change in Colorado’s northwest metro region.

Additional membership benefits include membership meetings connecting you with other members of the Northwest Coalition, customized commute planning for your organization, and access to workplace commute ambassadors.  

For membership information, please contact Margery Gavin, or 720.710.9907.

Member Activities

Membership Meetings

Our Membership Meetings are an opportunity to network with fellow employers, local government officials and staff and industry experts as well as learn about the latest transportation enhancements in our region.

Senator Faith Winter and Representative Matt Gray

Northwest Coalition

Our Members are public and private organizations that have made a commitment to advance the multi-modal transportation needs of the northwest metro region. Our Members have access to elected officials, regional and statewide stakeholders and opportunities to discuss issues with mayors, business leaders and industry experts.

Commuting Solutions’ Members benefit by being among the first to learn of important transportation updates and unprecedented access to key decision makers and industry leaders.


We are your advocate for providing the northwest metro region with multimodal transportation improvements and sustainable options that reduce the impacts of climate change. Members gain insight into federal, state and local policy matters, the latest updates on legislative progress surrounding transportation and are presented with opportunities to shape future improvements in our region.

Group rides bikes through Louisville
Logo: Workplace Commute Ambassadors - Connect, Inspire, Achieve

Workplace Commute Ambassadors

Members receive exclusive access to our Workplace Commute Ambassadors (WCA), a network of individuals dedicated to promoting sustainable commuting options within their organizations. WCA members stay connected through networking meetings and regional events. Equip your workforce with inspiration and resources that champion active transportation.

Customized Commute Planning

Members receive individualized assistance in identifying, developing and evaluating commuting programs for their employees. Increase employee productivity, satisfaction, recruitment, retention and contribute to company sustainability goals with our commute options program.


Our Members


Do you live or work along the CO 119 corridor?

We want to hear from you!

Click here to learn more about the CO 119 Bus Rapid Transit Wayfinding and Branding project and vote for your favorite design!  

Your opinion matters and we appreciate your participation!