A Message from the Executive Director: Historic Times for Transportation Funding

Audrey DeBarros HeadshotHappy June, everyone!

It is crazy to believe we are already halfway through 2021! As we reflect on these last six months, there has been a lot of exciting news in the transportation sector for the northwest metro region!

Just a few days ago, the Colorado Legislature wrapped up the 73rd General Assembly and made it a historic session for the transportation sector!

At state and federal levels, bills have been passed and signed regarding funding and climate change policy which will affect and improve transportation for the region and state.

Senate Bill (SB) 21-260 will diversify how transportation funding is raised and spent in Colorado which will support road repair, expansion to electric vehicle adoption, multimodal, environmental mitigation and much more.

SB 21-238, which was approved by the House and Senate, will create a Front Range Passenger Rail District which will plan, design, develop, finance, construct, operate and maintain a passenger rail system, specify the territory, governing structure, powers and duties of the district.

We look forward to seeing what the rest of 2021 has in store for the region!


Audrey DeBarros

Executive Director

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