Earlier this month, Commuting Solutions along with local partner stakeholders in the SH 119 corridor project, applied for two Congressional Earmark Requests through Congressman Neguse. One request was for the SH 119/SH 52 future intersection, and the other was for pre-construction of the SH 119 Bikeway and two First and Final Mile connections for Niwot and Boulder.
Congressional earmark requests allow local jurisdictions to apply for federal funding, which Congress members have the ability to direct, a process that hasn’t been approved in many years.
This federal funding is important, and a major step for the SH 119 corridor project because this is a critical connection to Larimer and Weld Counties as well as Boulder County. Congestion, safety and a lack of mobility options negatively impact economic growth, air quality and the quality of life for the community.
The future of the SH 119 corridor vision calls for adding managed/express lanes, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and a commuter bikeway. The anticipated cost of the project is $270 million, of which approximately $95 million is identified. Recognizing there is no one source of funding to complete the full buildout, we need to be vigilant in pursuing federal, state, regional and local funding as they become available.
One of the many strengths of our coalition is the ability to speak with one voice for the transportation needs of the northwest metro region. As funding for transportation is very constrained it is collaborations like this that set our region apart from those who are competing for the same limited dollars.
We will continue to keep you all updated about the funding opportunities that arise to continue this vital project for our region.
Audrey DeBarros
Commuting Solutions Executive Director